Last Long Run before Skövde 6hours

Homerun 30.07km
So next week (Saturday) is Skövde 6h. I did that race many years ago and now it's time again. Mainly because I need the hours of running in order to at least be partially prepared for UltraVasan end of August.

Yesterday I did a classic Homerun. The weather conditions were ideal - +9C and dry! I even had daylight during 80% of the run. I kept a slow pace (6:03 min/km) but that is totally according to plan. You know that I am becoming slower and slower each year (but hopefully I run longer and longer).

I was tired after the 30km yesterday. I had to extend the route when I came to Kungsängen and for some reaon I have difficulties of extending a Homerun. I feel that my entire body is just screaming to GO HOME! I managed to extend it to 30km - something that I am happy for since I want to have that confidence for next Saturday.

New Shoes
My old classical shoe model Mizuno Wave Alchemy are now out of production! I hate that! So now I have to change the model - big news! I have ordered the shoes that, according to Mizuno, should be kind of same as the Alchemy model. See the model below - what do you like it? I think I bought it for 1100 SEK - in Sweden the same shoe would cost 1800 SEK (crazy!). I hope that I will get the new shoes this week or early next week - hence I really hope that I will be able to use them next Saturday in Skövde 6h!



  1. Sounds risky to run a 6 hour race in a new shoe that you haven't tried before!

  2. I know. I will try then today (got them yesterday). Hopefully I will have three runs in them before Skövde. But I am afraid about this - changing a model - not something I like.

  3. Nice long run El Maco. You where wearing these shoes today when we met.... so I guess you know them by now.
    Could be good also to bring your old shoes to Skövde, just in case..


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