Full house for El Maco !!!!!!!!

Ok, hi guys !

Just an announcment here. Of course I am so poud of all achivements reached on this community....... El Maco has done it. Mr USC was our only hope in the "All time high" table, but now when we close August there is no one but El Maco the king in this bloody tablë.....

You are amazing, you have often claimed that you have not get the proper pay back yet, but as I have said so many times, the base you have built now will last forever....

Of course I will always try to give you a fair fight here, but I realize that it will take me years to be back again in this hounorable table.....

I have also said so many times, that with your trainig volumes last two years you will sooner or later be a pure sub 3.30 marathon runner,,,,,,,,,

You  are kicking all of us  .....

Mr L./.


  1. Thanks Mr L for the kind words. I hope that someone will put up a fight now. October and November should be worth fighting for. Sep and Dec is tricky. I think its just a matter of time before someone of you makes a 350km month.


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