Adelsö Ultra Marathon run - A tribute to Marre - Tobbe and Philip

Yesterdays fantastic Adelsö - Träkvista run was one of my top 5 running experiences in my life. The weather was absolutely perfect (sunny almost all the time) and apps 15 C.

We were Fernando, Mr W, Mr 3:19:57, myself and Mr Legend. We all met in Mr Legends house at 11:45. At 12:00 we headed to the ferry to Adelsö where the start was set at 12:50.

Start to first control (apps 8km)

PANG! Philip started the race with some cool iPodish kind of thing with speaker. A real start and off we went. The first km was uphill. I tried to maintain the 6min/k pace we had decided. It was tough to get everyone on that pace. Later Mr W and Mr 3:19:57 said that they were pretty tired from the start - took some time to get the engine going.

The route at Adelsö was amazing from a scenic perspective. Beautiful landscape with forest all over the place.

We managed to keep the 6:00 pace and at 8km we had the first stop.

The fantastic Energy Stations

This was the most fantastic thing with the run! Every 5km. Marre and the service team had set up tables with a lot of different things to drink and eat:

-Sport drink
-Coca cola
-Chocolate bars
-Risi Frutti

...and a lot more things that I don't even remember now.

Those of you that know me know that I need to eat a lot when I run long runs. Yes I know that I had a lot of carbs yesterday. I think that I had 4 entire Risi Fruttis during the entire run! That is a lot of Risi Frutti. And I think that was the reason to my success yesterday. So to have this stations every 5km was totally amazing. I can't fully describe how happy I am with this. Marre - Tobbe and Philip! Thank you once again! You made this day to be on of the most memorable running days in my life! For real!

8km - 13km
After the first stop I had to make a dump. After this dump my stomach was good during the entire day.

Mr 3:19:57 felt much better after the first stop and he said that he might continue after 13km but he wasn't sure. Fernando said the entire time that he will try to make it to 21.4. Fernando looked very fresh during the entire run (except last km).

Second stop 13km
Mr 3:19:57 and Mr W decided to continue. You have to understand that before this Mr w had only done 6km in his sandals and his longest run for years was 13.5. So that both of them decided to continue was very cool.

Mr 3:19:57 suffered. He had some pain and at 16km he said that he will stop. He managed to run to the energy station at 18 (and of course he made a sprint at the end as always).

Third stop 18km
Mr 3:19:57 stopped and the rest of us continued.

We missed a planned ferry so we made a short extension of the route. Fernando ran 21.4 (and was very tired the last km - otherwise he looked fine during the entire run). Mr W, Mr L and myself did 2 extra km since we missed the first ferry.

The ferry ride is 900meters and takes appr 7 minutes, maybe a little bit more all in all. I made some important stretching. Mr W had retired (amazing that he did 23.5 km in Sandals, longest run in 7 years for him). Now it was only me and Mr L....but wait....someone is saying that Mr W changed his mind...can that be true!? Will Mr W continue? He steps out of the car and is back on track! Amazing! So now we are three again, Mr W, Mr L and myself.

23.5 - 26.5km
This was one of the most memorable moments of the run. Mr W decided to do another 3km. I took the lead and we ran in 6 min pace. At apps 24.5 Mr W takes the lead and slowly starts to increase the pace. Now he gets into the biggest runners high I have ever seen a runner have. I have not been even close. It was so amazing to see and hear him. It was literally that he was flying above the ground. His entire body screamed happiness and joyfulness. He said that his body just did everything by itself - he only had to lean forward and the body made the running. It was one of those moments when something is larger than life. He has to write this himself - it was just great to be a part of that moment.

26.5 Fourth stop
We say goodbye to the Hero of the day Mr W! Now Mr L and myself are on our own

26km - 31?
I don't know exactly where we had our stops from now on. But the first part when Mr L and I were on our own was easy i think. As always I had a lot of food at the stop and I felt strong - stronger than many times before. I think that Mr L felt fine as well. At some part Marre showed up again, maybe at 30 or 31. Was this where you had the p break Mr L? Anyway we continued to run and somewhere after 30 Mr L said that he was a little bit tired. It was actually obvious at this stage that Mr L was tired. Maybe not at 30 but at least at 35km.

I don't remember all the stops now but at Kersö Drag (37?) Mr L was tired. We had apps 4 or 5 km to go. I felt strong and I asked how far it would be to run to Mr L house instead of taking the car. I think Mr L said that its another 4km. I thought about this. Mr L said that he will quit at marathon distance. He was a little bit tired and at 42.2 I said goodbye to him.

42.2 - 46.4 km
I was strong I had one 5:00min/km and some 5:19km. Faster than during the entire run so far. It was also some big hills at the end but that didn't bother me at this point. It was a great joy to run. I finished at 46.4km - me second longest run in my life.

We finished with some amazing dinner at Mr Ls house.

Marre, Tobbe and Philip
Once again! Thank you so much for this event! Without you this would not have worked at all! I owe you a lot!

Mr Legend
You need to be mentioned as well of course. The planning was perfectly executed and I really hope that we will do this run again next year!

Mr 3:19:57
Great to have you on track again! Join us for more runs now. And remember to make that Lundell / Dylan Spotify list

I love that you are so positive! Always a yes on your lips! Lets plan for Växjö marathon together!

Mr W
The Hero of the day. Not only your barefoot / sandal running. But the way you expressed your true joy of running during the entire run today. It sounded and looked on you that you "found back to your heart" today. With words you expressed how happy you were! I loved that! A great inspiration!!!


  1. What a story, and I fully agree, this will absolutely be one of my best long run memories ever. Adelsö is a fantastic place for running, that's for sure. I will also write a detaild posting soon.....

    Thanks El Maco for showing up. You are now the only person I know that has done an Ultra-run on Ekerö :-) :-)

  2. Sounds like a fantastic day for all! Mr. L, you and your family could go into the race organization business! And great LR coverage by El Maco! I felt like I was there with you guys!

  3. lovely all boys say El Marco dear Mom

  4. Excellent recap, and I also fully agree, this was an unforgettable day. And you impressed me during the complete run, you had the energy to shoot films, and keep us at the predecided pace - and always keeping an eye on the rest of us. Your finish doing 46,4 speaks by itself !


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