The comeback – or the unforgettable 26,5km sandal long run on Adelsö-Munsö-Träkvista

El Maco has already made an excellent and “on the Spot” recap of the Adelsö-Träkvista long run.

So here is a recap from my own perspective.

What could I do when my good old friend and sports mate Mr L with very short notice invited to this totally crazy long run on Adelsö-Munsö !  This was too cool to miss, although I was very, very unsure about my running capacity after 7 years of hip injury and just recovered. I also only had had a 7K run in my new Luna sandals as mentioned in earlier postings and only 13.5km recently as the longest run for years. But here I was on the starting line, tired after a stressful week, a bad night sleep and a slight headache. In addition I had a slight pain in the right calf and sore hip joint muscles after recently beginning with Taekwondo. Basically, I felt rotten and not in the mood of running. But I knew from experience that sometimes such a rotten feeling can change to something good a few km’s into a run. I also knew that I had been training good for 2 years with alternative training exercises and gradually increasing running, so on the other side I was hopeful. Off we went and Mr L  and El Maco just began on the predefined pace on 6 minutes per km. It was like they just pushed the start button for the 6 min/km pace. I (and maybe 3.19.57 and El Fernan) would prefer to start slower and with the slightly uphill route in the beginning I felt my pulse going up too fast. It was a tough start for me but after 4 km’s the engine was warmed up and I could start to relax and just enjoy. The sandals felt just perfect and nice to run with from the beginning. The rest of the race was a joy ! I felt strong all the way and the feet and sandals worked fine. The headache was gone, the hips felt fine and the calf was ok. The longer I ran the better I felt. I thought for myself before we started that everything over 15km would be a bonus. Just to be able to run with those guys who share the dedication of long distance running was a bonus.

We passed 15km, and I asked myself if I wasn’t feeling tired? No, - Ok let’s continue.  And so it went on km after km.  After passing 18km I was starting to be afraid of getting injured - I mean, the longest run for several years was 13.5km which I did three weeks ago. Everybody knows that increasing distance more than 10% per week is unwise. Here I’m approaching 20K and continuing, how far should I dare to go? Should I take a chance to continue risking a new injury? Was I at risk? These thoughts went thought my mind many times at this stage. But I felt so good and it was so FUN ! I loved every second.

I now started to realize that this run could become the final proof that my hip injury is history, gone. And my seven years long dream had come true – I CAN DO LONG RUNS AGAIN !

To the ferry it was 21.4 but El Maco suggested that we stretched the route an extra 2K in order to kill waiting time for the ferry. I decided to join as I still felt ok. No pain, and the sandals had become my best friends, they were just wonderful to run with. I would not have been ready to do such a long run completely barefoot, so these sandals have really proved to be good for me.

So when we arrive the ferry harbor I thought I had done enough and retired from the race. Sat myself into the car and relaxed. After a few minutes, someone (I think it was Tobbe) asked me if I was finished and I said that I think so, but then I said maybe not…I don’t understand why, but the words just jumped out. My day had been so fantastic and I didn’t want to stop running. I still felt that I could run more. So I did – off the ferry and after a one km I felt stronger than ever. I was so happy being able to do long run again, I was happy for my sandals working so good with me. I suddenly caught myself increasing the speed and felt myself running faster and faster without effort. I only leant forward and the pace increased and it felt like I was flying ! I can honestly say that I have never felt the running being so effortless before. It was unforgettable. I don’t know if it was some kind of “runners high” or just pure happiness or what it was but I will never forget it. I tried to put words to this to Mr L and El Maco and wondered if I should slow down back to our 6min/km pace. And they answered that yes, it would be wise to do that because otherwise “somenone” would be in trouble soon !  So we slowed down to 6min/km and continued. Later, we were approaching the 26.5 km service station, the last hill was long and steep (at least it felt like that) and I got very tired - so I decided to stop here. Happy and tired. What a day ! Finally free from injury.

My decision to convert to barefoot running in July 2011 and the past two years dedicated long term alternative training paid off at last. The last brick in the build are the Luna Sandals, they are just wonderful to run in. Today, two days after the run I feel no pain or stiffness, only normal fatigue after a long run.

I want to thank my physiotherapist Delani who believed in me two years ago and got me into alternative training exercises.

I also want to thank Frasse (my present coach and physiotherapist) who gave me the “brutally tough” stabilization exercises in December 2011 and May 2012.

And of course, thanks to Mr L, who came up with the wild long run plan - and El Maco, 3.19.57 and Fernando who made the run so pleasant and fun.

But most of all, thanks to Marre, Tobbe and Philip who prepared and waited at the service stations along the road with all drink, food and smiles.  And a special thanks for the hospitality of the Mr L family who after this long demanding day, served an excellent barbeque dinner, cold beers and good wine and accommodation.



  1. So much of nice reading. We would also like to thank you & Philip, that took your time to come here. The consept is well worth to try again in the future :-)

    Great thanks for your participation, and why not use our "all time high" table for your unique run, and note it under "Beat this if you can" :-)


  2. Totally inspiring to read this! I am so happy for you and your sandal running really inspires me. Now that even Mr Legend might go for it even I might try it.

    Lets plan for next run! This has to be done again!


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