Personliga rekordens tävling - 12 hour race October 27 2012

A fantastic day yesterday. I want to thank Christer Svensson for an excellent day at Värendsvallen! Perfect support from the first minute to the last. Some short reflections.

09:00 - 13:00
The first fours hours were good for me. I started really slow as I planned to do. Approximately 6:45 pace and I tried to have one lap walking every 10 laps. I think I maintained this pace during the first 3-4 hours. It was obvious that Mr L had a different strategy. He ran all the time and passed me again and again and again and again. At 13:00 I think he was more than 2km ahead of me.

At appr 13:00 Marre and Tobbe came with Pizza and milk. That was ideal for me! I needed food badly and got a lot of energy after this.

13:00 - 17:00
Probably the best part of this day. I had a really good flow. In the beginning I ran too fast. Had some 5:10 km and I understood that I will have to pay for this at the end. But it felt really good and the kms just passed by flying.

17:00 - 21:00
When I passed the 9 hour mark I think that I had done appr 78. So only 22km to the magical 100km mark. But I understood that this will not be possible. The legs started to scream pain and I stopped frequently to do stretching. Mr L did this as well. At this point I was appr 3km ahead of him and we kept this distance until the end. Mr L and I basically walked the last 2.5 hours. Some running but as soon as I started to run I was terrified that I would get a cramp and basically not walk one more m during the day. So decision was taken to only walk until the end. Even walking was tough. At the end we were very happy to have finished the first 12h race.

21:00 - bedtime
I walked directly to the hotel. I could not attend the dinner since I did not think that I would be able to walk to the hotel if I would stop to eat. So I walked back directly to the hotel. Took a shower and into the bed. The legs were in big pain and I knew this night would be a tough one. I think I managed to fall asleep at 00:00.

The day after
I am feeling much better today. The legs feel pretty fresh and I am really inspired for another run like this. Next time I will prepare in a different way. Probably some more long runs before the run.

All in all. Thanks Christer and Reima! Excellent support and I will for sure be back again!


ps below some videos from the day!

The end! Mr L looks pretty gone here. Like he is on some drugs - right? He thinks that we are in Skövde!


  1. Congratulations to a fantastic achievement of both of you ! This is totally crazy ! I hope I will be able to join you some time in the future :) /W

  2. Wow! 90 plus KM's is incredible! Mr. L's face above in the last video says it all! Congratulations!

  3. Shit, shit... last two movies was the worst I have seen. The camera man starts deep philosophy talking with himself after finishing shot while me myself was so tired and empty that could hardly stear my own legs....
    Not the worst thing I've been trough when comes to exhaustion, no cramp tendensis at all, but so terribly tired and empty. I was on 0% fuel.... My HR last three hours says it all, I was feeling dead already at 65% of HR max level (115-120 BPM), couldn't for my life increase it. The key for me to be out there again is eat, eat , eat and eat......
    Thanks Mr Camera man for the show :-) :-)

    Mr L./.


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