Stockholm marathon 2013

A good work today. I allmost managed to copy my Sthlm marathon from last year, though the wheater conditions where different this year. Started up in +17C and high humidity, then the temperature went down on the second half and when finishing line was reached after 3.41.16 the big shower from above was on....

I said hello to Reima (Mr Ultrasweden :-) on Odengatan. He was the 3.30 pace maker this year. I said I would love to follow you, but realized that this is a dangerous game... What should then happen after 30k.... I know it to well.

So I stayed focused on not overstep my 85% HR-max level at this time (only 16k done). Looking back afterwards on my HR, I can see that I was actually not above my 85% level until after 28k, so perhaps I was a bit "yellow" today.

Great fun to hear & see "Hammaren" (alias Mikael Nilzon) shouting to me down on Söder mälarstrand, "come on Kimmen, come on.... he gave me new power. That together with warm bullion at Münchenbryggeriet was all I need. Now I stepped into myself and fought the battle without any thinking at all, just run, run ,run..with small ultra-steps.

Now time to reset my mind and start thinking about the "Footrally" in end of June. That will for sure be something totally new. The concept i simply walk until you die..... it allmost scares me a little bit :-) !!!

